Diocesan Policy
"All promotions are decided upon by the principal and the teacher. Plans for retention should be made in conference with the parents at least by the beginning of the third trimester. The final responsibility for a student’s promotion or retention rests with the principal."
School Policy
Kindergarten & Grade 1
Children entering kindergarten and first grade are administered a screening by our early childhood teachers. The screening evaluates basic skills needed for success in kindergarten and first grade. Children must achieve a minimum percentile in order to be placed in kindergarten and first grade.
Grade 2
Reading and mathematics are the basic skills learned in this grade. They are necessary for success in subsequent grades. Any child who is not able to perform on grade level will be considered a candidate for retention.
Grades 3, 4, & 5
Any child who fails mathematics or language arts must attend a summer remediation program approved by the school. This may include summer school or tutoring. A child who fails any two major subjects will be considered a candidate for retention. Retest(s) are to be taken in August. Final decisions on promotion or retention will be based on these results.
Grades 6 & 7
Any major subject area that is failed will require a summer remediation program approved by the school. This may include summer school or tutoring. Retest(s) are to be taken in August. Final decisions on promotion or retention will be based on these results. A child who fails any two major subjects will be considered a candidate for retention. Any child who fails three subjects may not return to St. Brigid/Our Lady of Hope Regional School.
Grade 8
The failing of two or more major subject areas will require a summer remediation program approved by the school. Successful completion of the remedial program is required before the issuance of a diploma. High School acceptances are contingent upon the successful completion of eighth grade. Students who fail two or more major subject areas may not participate in eighth grade activities or ceremonies. Eighth graders with severe discipline issues may not participate in graduation activities and/or the public graduation ceremony at the discretion of the principal.